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Introducing Hubbl Process Analytics 1.15

Introducing Hubbl Process Analytics 1.15


Co-Founder and Product Manager

Do you ever feel like you're sifting through data just to find the real story? Traditional analytics, with its reports and dashboards, often leave us with more questions than answers. It gives us snapshots of problems but falls short of explaining why those problems exist or how to fix them quickly. 

That's why we’re thrilled to launch Hubbl Process Analytics 1.15, a native Salesforce app designed to revolutionize how we understand and improve business processes.

Data prep be gone: instant insights are here

Available today from the Salesforce AppExchange, Hubbl Process Analytics cuts through the data clutter to deliver instant insights, identify root causes, and empower frontline team members to improve actions. 

Gone are the days of tedious data preparation and analysis. Instead, Hubbl leverages the rich data trail within Salesforce, uncovering the "how" and "why" behind outcomes with the data you already have.

But Hubbl Process Analytics is about more than just about delivering insights to management. It's about catalyzing operational change at the frontline level. 

Imagine your team members receiving performance insights and actionable recommendations as they work in Salesforce. Analysts can pinpoint process bottlenecks and customer pain points swiftly, leading to targeted improvements.

Prompt frontline teams to take action with Hubbl Process Analytics' Nudges

How Hubbl Process Analytics works

The objects inside Salesforce applications leave a trail of data that documents every status change in detail. These Salesforce field history logs are like tree rings, capturing the history of a sales opportunity, marketing lead, or service case. In fact, every object automatically writes its own history. 

Hubbl Process Analytics leverages this rich data history to automatically uncover issues, provide deep insights for analysts, and guide frontline teams with actionable nudges. By tapping into Salesforce's field history logs, Hubbl creates detailed business process models without moving data around, unlike other tools that require long or expensive data preparation.

With Hubbl Process Analytics, you can:

  • Gain real-time performance insights for frontline team members, enabling targeted recommendations for improvement directly within Salesforce.
  • Visualize your multi-object business processes instantly, with frequencies and timing laid out for quick analysis.
  • Identify process delays, bottlenecks, and exceptions, empowering operations analysts to pinpoint issues and compare behaviors across teams.

Leverage intuitive visualizations and actionable insights to drive meaningful change

Why choose Hubbl Process Analytics over traditional process mining tools?

If your organization grapples with customer churn, system bottlenecks, or low Salesforce adoption, Hubbl Process Analytics offers a cost-effective solution. Say goodbye to lengthy troubleshooting and expensive consulting projects—Hubbl streamlines the path to process improvements through continuous behavioral nudges and instant insights.

We have to answer questions like, ‘What is our conversion rate at each step of the funnel?’. I’ve built conversion reporting before, specifically for lead to close, and it was incredibly time-consuming. Hubbl Process Analytics just does this inherently.” 
— Hubbl Process Analytics customer

What sets Hubbl Process Analytics apart: 

  • On platform: Hubbl Process Analytics is a Salesforce App, available to install from the Salesforce AppExhange, ensuring data security and eliminating the need for additional infrastructure.
  • Data wizard: Easily select and visualize data from multiple Salesforce objects, reducing data preparation time to mere minutes.
  • Process visualization: Gain instant insights into your business processes, with drill-downs and comparisons to focus on team members, products, lead sources etc.
  • Automated insights: Receive real-time insights and suggestions as you investigate processes, enabling proactive decision-making.
  • Frontline team nudges: Drive bottom-up process changes by delivering micro-insights to frontline teams within Salesforce.
  • Customizable: Like any other native Salesforce app, you have access to the data, so you can extract outputs to add into custom dashboards.

Who’s Hubbl Process Analytics for? 

Hubbl Process Analytics is designed for businesses across all industries that rely on Salesforce as their CRM platform and are seeking to unlock deeper insights into their business processes. But, we’ve found Hubbl is specifically beneficial for:

  1. Sales leaders: How quickly can you understand the steps that lead to the highest win-loss ratio? What missed information causes deals to go South? Which types of deals close the fastest, which ones drag out the sales cycle? Hubbl Process Analytics empowers sales teams by providing real-time insights to optimize sales processes, track performance metrics, and enhance deal management.
  2. Service teams: The first step to improving the customer support process is understanding it. Resolve cases faster and provide a more seamless customer experience by seeing process variants and bottlenecks in detail by team, by product, by market segment.
  3. Marketing operations: Are well-qualified leads being wasted during poor sales execution? Do slow-moving leads convert better than fast-movers? Hubbl Process Analytics empowers marketing teams to quantify the effectiveness of their demand-generation activities. 

Get started with Hubbl Process Analytics free

Ready to unlock the full potential of your Salesforce data and drive meaningful operational change? Download it from the Salesforce AppExchange and join the growing community of businesses transforming their operations with Hubbl Process Analytics.‍

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